Six-Nine 69 Rule

A day ago, I was talking to my Taekwondo master. We were sharing each other opinions about the mindset, thoughts, and the perspective.

We stood facing each other and he told me “If I write 6 on the floor, it looks 6 to me and 9 to you. But, who is correct?” That example was very profound and so intense for me and I decided to write about it.

I name it as 69 rule. Whenever we face challenges in our lives or when something doesn’t work in our way, at that instant we try to avoid the situation, give up, start to blame others or even get angry and lose control of ourselves. Life is a simple book which is filled with beautiful lessons, and one of the lessons which part of life is “perspective”.

There are two kinds of truth. Absolute truth and the relative truth.
Absolute truth is physical where everyone accepts the definition of it. For eg: Airplane is a flying machine. Absolutely, each and every person accepts this as a truth. When it comes to the relative truth which is non-physical, we all have a certain kind of thinking perspective about all the situations which comes in our life. For the same situation, the way one thinks wouldn’t necessarily be the same for the other person. A glass with half filled water can be viewed as half filled and half empty. Both are true. It depends on the way you see it.

Similarly, in relationships we oftentimes face conflicts, feeling of hatred, misunderstanding, and miscommunication. We have space at that very moment to think in other’s perspective and to solve the conflict by responding wisely. Remember, and always remember that you have a choice to respond consciously. Just think about this 69 rule when you are not feeling right about the situation. First, you see 6, reverse your position and see 9. This makes you understand what might have caused the conflict and it would be easier for you to find the solution which is acceptable by both.

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